Best Regards and Other Alternative Ways to end an Email
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In the business world, a professional thank you or goodbye should never be taken lightly. It’s important to express your gratitude and appreciation for coworkers, clients, customers and vendors in a way that is both succinct and sincere. ‘Best regards’ has been the traditional way to end emails in many situations; however, there are several alternatives that will fit different contexts even better. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best regards alternatives available so you can choose one that shows good manners while following professionalism etiquette at all times.
A crucial professional skill in the business world is the ability to communicate effectively via email. Before writing your name, it is essential to end an email with a respectful and professional conclusion when writing about business or employment. It is essential to select the appropriate closing phrase based on the degree of respect and familiarity with the recipient of the email, even if it is only a few words or phrases before your name. Oftentimes guest blogging professionals use the phrase “best regards” effectively to close the email.
Best Regards Takeaways
- Writing best regards at the end of a message demonstrates respect for the recipient
- It’s a way to say goodbye and send your best wishes
- Best Regards can be used for both formal and informal communications
- Best Regards is a salutation, or way to end the correspondence which is less formal than “cordially”
- Kind regards, warm regards, and regards are some of the alternatives
What Does it Mean When You Say Best Regards?
The standard way to end a letter or email is with “Best Regards”. Sending a message of “best regards” at the end of an email is a way to show appreciation and send warm wishes to the person who received it. This method of concluding an email conveys a sense of gratitude while maintaining a formal tone, which is especially useful when writing email messages that are related to employment or business.
When the words “best regards” are broken down, it becomes clear that when used as an adjective, “best” means anything of “highest quality or excellence”, “to show or have respect or concern for” is the meaning of the word “regards.” When you end an email or other written communication with “best regards,” you show the recipient that you respect them and wish them well.
Dear Liz,
Thanks for choosing our resort for your weekend getaway. We have attached the bill for your stay here along with a personalized coupon code that you can use the next time.
Best Regards,
When to Use Best Regards?
It is acceptable to use best regards in regular email communications, but your relationship with the recipient will determine the closing that you should choose when contacting a coworker or other teammates within your organization, following up with an interviewer, emailing existing or new vendors, and communicating project updates to your manager.
If you are new to the person to whom you are composing, it is ideal to have a proper consummation like “sincerely” or “respectfully”. However, it is acceptable to end your letter in a less formal manner with phrases like “best wishes” or “best regards” if you are writing to a coworker, business associate, or someone you are familiar with. If you’re not sure what to say at the end, it’s always best to end in a formal and professional manner.
Where to Use Best Regards?
Best regards is a polite, professional way to end a conversation that can be used on a daily basis. The following scenarios call for closing an email with “Best Regards”.
- To send follow-up emails to interviewers
- To build business relationships with a client
- To existing or new vendors and suppliers
- To manager regarding project updates
- To coworkers or teammates within your organization
Should Best Regards be Used Formally or Informally?
It just so happens that one of your company’s top executives is in town for a visit. You never met the individual in your life previously and aren’t even aware of the ability and information that he has. However, you are aware of his accomplishments as well as the challenges he faced in order to attain the position he currently holds. You will meet him for the first time this time around. To show your admiration or respect for someone, you don’t have to know them. Despite the urgency of your work, you must always try to convey admiration and well wishes, whether from a coworker or supervisor.
Because of this, sending best wishes via mail can be beneficial in any circumstance. It can be used for both formal and informal email formats. In the event that you were unable to properly communicate with the chief executive, send an email later with sincere greetings and a signature. You can include a concluding signature email such as “Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully” when writing a formal email to your superiors. Then again, while tending to informal messages, try ending them with “Warmest regards” or “Yours truly”. As a result, it should now be obvious that best regards can be used in both formal and informal emails.
What Can be Said Instead of Best Regards?
Best Regards Alternatives
- Yours Truly
- Sincerely
- Sincerely Yours
- Respectfully
- With Gratitude
- Faithfully Yours
Informal Best Regards Alternatives
- Cheers
- Love
- Your friendly
- Best
- Thanks
- See you soon
- Get well soon
- I miss you
- Congratulations
- Take care
Best Regards VS Kind Regards VS Warm Regards VS Thanks and Regards
You should constantly close messages with a legitimate tone that tends to your beneficiaries with deference but doesn’t show extreme familiarity. You shouldn’t appear to be trying too hard to earn their respect. Your abilities should speak for themselves.
Overuse of phrases like “Thank you” and “With regards” is common. “Best regards”, “Kind regards”, and “Warm regards” frequently come down to the final battle. If you investigate further, you will discover that “Thanks and Regards” is also one of the various ways to conclude a letter. We will look at their differences and uses.
Kind Regards
“Kind Regards” is a more conventional variety of “Best Regards.” It could be used for introductory, outreach, or investigation emails. Even though it implies less of an established relationship, it still conveys respect. “Kind Regards” is a polite and appropriate way to end an email in business correspondence. You can use the closing phrase “kind regards” when writing emails that are more formal. In business emails, where you want to convey professionalism and respect at the same time, it is frequently used.
When to Use Kind Regards?
Kind regards can be used at the end of an email signature if you are writing emails that are more formal or authoritative. It establishes a less familiar tone while simultaneously demonstrating respect. Kind regards are preferable to best regards when writing business-related emails.
Where to Use Kind Regards?
When sending emails to senior members of your company or following up on an interview, go for it. It helps you convey to the recipient your strong professional conduct and work ethics. The following scenarios call for an email conclusion with “kind regards”.
- When contacting prospective customers
- Introducing yourself to a company you recently joined or are applying to
- Not knowing whether to use a casual or formal email conclusion
- Sending emails to a supervisor or other executive of the company
Warm Regards
The phrase “best regards” is more formal than “warm regards.” It can be used to express gratitude to the person who received it and can be used to communicate with people you have known for a while. When sending well wishes to coworkers or team members or writing emails to family or friends, you can use warm regards. Additionally, “warm regards” is more frequently utilized in festive messages, particularly during the holiday season.
When to Use Warm Regards?
This email signature is a bit informal than best regards and can be used to send emails to people you know.
Where to Use Warm Regards?
“Warm regards” has a casual tone, so you should only use this email signature when writing to people you’ve known for a while. However, do not go overboard. The following are some examples of scenarios.
- While sending messages to clients who are on good conditions with you
- To send warm words to partners or colleagues
- While composing messages to companions or relatives
Thanks and Regards
A more formal way to end a conversation is to say “Thanks and Regards”. This lets you show respect while also staying formal. When sending emails to company executives or contacting potential clients, this is a common business communication tool.
When to Use Thanks and Regards?
This email signature is more formal because it lets you address your recipient with respect and avoid being too familiar. The phrase “thanks and regards” is much more appropriate for business correspondence.
Where to Use Thanks and Regards?
The phrase “Thanks and Regards” can be used in almost every official business email. A few of the scenarios are listed below.
- For addressing a memo for the company
- Sending emails to company executives
- Emailing prospective clients
Examples for Using Best Regards in an Email
Even though there are many different ways to end an email with “best regards,” it’s important to remember that your closing phrase should be appropriate, respectful, and based on how familiar the recipient is with you. You can end many different kinds of communications with “best regards,” especially ones in which you have previously met or worked with the recipient. Two ways to use “Best Regards” in an email are as follows.
Usage in a Formal Mail
Here’s an example of using “best regards” to close an interviewer’s email.
Dear Matt,
I appreciate you taking the time to talk about the job of graphic designer at your company. It was wonderful to meet you and find out more about this position. I am contacting you to inquire about any recent developments regarding the position. Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide to help you make a decision.
Best Regards,
Usage in an Informal Mail
The following is an example of a less formal email that is regarding an update.
I just wanted to inquire about your radar app project requirements action item from last Monday’s sprint planning meeting. Do you want to finish it in a certain amount of time?
If it’s not too much trouble, let me know as to whether you require any further explanations or wish to raise an issue.
Best Regards,
If you are not sure about how to end your email, match the formality of your business associate’s tone, as a general rule. You can reply with the same greeting or you can substitute “Best regards” if they signed their previous email with “Best wishes.” If they have used a signature that is more formal than “Sincerely,” you should go with “Kind regards” because it matches the tone and sentiment of your associate. Using any of the above greetings varies with person and situation. There is no single salutation that fits all scenarios. Use them accordingly.
What should I use while communicating for business purposes?
Best regards and Kind Regards can be used to end your email while communicating for business related purposes.
Is best regards formal or informal?
It can be used both formally and informally as seen from above examples.
What should I use when I need a formal but a little casual tone?
Warm regards is the best option to use while conversing with colleagues or peers where you know the person but want to maintain a formal tone in your messages.
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